
Past Work

Animal Artworks.

Behind The Scenes

The Artist Behind It All

I’m Naomi Day, the creator of everything Kokura Origami!

I’ve always loved art since I was a little girl. I used to love drawing, making little felt dolls, and even hand sewing. As a child, on rainy days my favourite thing to do was to stay at home and create origami.

My most memorable origami gift was making 1000 paper cranes. This is called ‘Senbazuru’ and is a special Japanese gift you can make for a loved one to wish for their health in hard times. I made 1000 paper cranes for my best friend who was in hospital for cancer to pray for her health.

I hope my artwork can inspire people about Japanese culture. As I have lived in Australia for 30 years, creating these origami artworks makes me feel like when I was a little girl making origami with my mother.